Martes, Enero 28, 2014

Budget luxury bags

I've been haggling bags from different establishments, some of them were luxury bags. But my budget doesn't seem to fit as times flow by, and as much as I want to sustain my need for original bags, i'd rather have them from thrift shops, where I get original second-hand bags at such a huge discount. The only ripoff in buying bags on thrift shops is that some of them were already worn out and needs to be fixed.

I've been on a lookout for budget branded bags here and online. There are some that I saw in known discount voucher sites, online shops, facebook fan pages/online shops and even in instagram accounts. The only thing that is gonna be a problem on this one are the bag's authenticity how can I be sure that the bags that they are selling are the authentic ones? How can I tell if the bag is a major ripoff? Then I'll be wasting my money big time.

I'm glad that there are legit discount voucher sites that are selling original bags at half the original price. The suspicious in me has doubts in the bag's authenticity since it's posted on the internet, but I saw my friend's purchased bag (it was a Michael Kors bag that she bought in one of the group buying sites around) I'm in a way convinced on giving it a chance. That's why I purchased the Le Pliage bag from the site that is on sale at half the real price. If I learned that this bag that I bought is the fake one, it'll be easy for me to file a complaint against the company who posted this on the internet.

As I waited on my bag that I bought online, I've been searching for reviews ( on some of the group buying sites, most of them are selling the ripoffs and the well-known sites are those who are selling the authentic ones. But that doesn't ,ake sure that they are selling the original bags, for I also saw some griveous reviews about them, saying that they are selling fake ones too. And because of this one, my heart's torn apart. :(

Well anyway, things went from bad to good after my bag arrived. I checked on the Le Pliage bag ( that I bought and I was surprised that it really is the real thing. The authenticity marks are all there, the built is the same as the original ones that I saw from the store itself and the colors are the same as the ones from the store. I'm really happy with my purchase!

Linggo, Enero 12, 2014

Light and easy laundry by Ikea laundry basket

performing the laundry has been my one of my preferred chores. But what I hate about this job is usually to place the clean shirts and dresses that I had right after it's finished. My location is pretty modest and crumpled, so getting a space to dried up the laundry is an eternal problem of mine ever since.

I've been trying to find a hamper that is definitely sturdy, lightweight and tough even when there's shirts readily available. I saw 1 truly, but it's definitely pricey for me. Till I saw IKEA's laundry basket that's accessible for only 270 pesos. Understanding that IKEA is living their name as the prime brand for design brands, I resist shopping for the self applicator.

What made me convinced to purchase the hamper will be the cost itself? Metrodeal never sends any fake stuff that's being sold to their clients, and contrary to the negative reviews that I've read on some blogs, Metrodeal has been performing great solutions for their clients since their launch. I try to remember reading 1 of your Metrodeal review that is published on Tv, saying that it's very best to attempt out their services and to evaluate their rates from their competitors. Being one of the Metrodeal clients, I can say that I like the service and also the budget-friendly rates that they offer on their bargains.

As I placed my order and waited for my ordered laundry hamper to arrived, I researched on what I've bought. IKEA's products has been superb, sturdy and convenient. Not merely are they valuable, all of their items are stylish, perfectly proper for design-conscious those who desires to beautify anything in their crib.

And because the laundry basket arrived, I was shocked that It was significant and lovely! It makes me realized that the hamper itself is a great buy, not due to the fact it was an IKEA brand, but I got the item for only 270 pesos! Sweet deal isint it? :D

I'm glad that I had this infant with me! Can't wait to buy at Metrodeal once more! :D